Saturday, August 14, 2010

This and That

Wow, it has been way too long! I always think, "I should put that on my blog." Then, that is as far as I get. Recently, I have started a list. I love a good list, and now that I have a blogging list. So, maybe I will get better. There are a few things that I want to write about today, so forgive me if I am rambling.

First, Elyse (18 months) has learned how to pray. Even though she has a vocabulary of about 20-30 words, she does a lot of talking. Most of the time it is jibber-jabber, but her prayers are wonderful. If we ask her to pray she will close her eyes and fold her hands. Then, my favorite part, she whispers her jibber-jabber. Then she yells her form of the word, "Amen". It is just too cute!

Next, on to a topic that could probably be a very large post of its own. Since I was about 15 years old, there is a line that I hear on a weekly basis from complete strangers. I hear it in the grocery store. I hear it at the mall. I hear it at restaurants. I hear it EVERYWHERE, at least once a week, for 15 years. (yes, you do the math...I am 30! That is a topic for another post too!) Okay, so the line is....

"You look just like..."

Now here is where it gets a little tricky. The ... could be, "Bill Smith's third cousin twice removed." Or, "Are you Samantha Ford, from Lancaster, PA?" Sometimes it is really specific, like a persons name and location. Other times the question is more vague, like, "Did you used to cut hair in Hillsboro, Ohio?" Or "Are you related to the Garrisons of Detroit, MI?" I am serious, at least once a week for the last 15 years. 52 weeks a year x 15 years = 780 times that I have heard some form of this question.

My answer is always about the same and it is something like, "No, but I get that a lot; I must have a familiar face."

It is really quite hilarious!

So, if you know someone that looks like me, please introduce me to all my twins out there. I have heard that many people have a non-biological twin somewhere in the world, but I must have more than one or two!

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