Thursday, September 16, 2010
This is a post all about my drivers license. You may think that is a crazy topic, but it was recently misplaced my a little crazy peanut, Elyse.
My first drivers license, including my wallet, was taken from my high school locker. If I were guessing I would say that this happened in 1996. Then, that SAME license was returned to me in a plastic bag in 2002 by a man that works at the water treatment plant. Who knows where it as hiding all that time!
Like most of you, I have had some good license pictures and some not so good ones.
Right before I officially changed my last name to Day, I had gotten a new license. I have to say, it was one of my favorite pictures. Not that you can really have a great one, but this one was good. After I received my new social security card in the mail with my new last name I went to get a new license. I WRONGLY assumed that they would use the same picture since it was take weeks before. I went in after a nice long run. Hair plastered to my head. No make-up. GROSS! The lady looked at me like I was crazy as I sat down in the picture chair. Needless to say everyone who saw that picture did a double take. It was borderline embarrassing.
Last year I got a new license and I went well prepared for the picture. It was a good one and I was thankful.
However, yesterday I got it out of my wallet to enter my license number into the ODE website. In my haste I laid it down on my desk and did not immediately return it to my wallet. Elyse picked it up and was looking at it. Then my phone rang. Needless to say, I haven't seen it since.
I have looked everywhere. I have asked her about it. I have looked in her favorite spots to hide things.
She LOVES to put things in the sub-wolfer of our sound system. Since she discovered the hole in the front of it we take it apart often to find many treasures. My license was not there. I did find two plastic Easter Eggs after removing the 12 screws to get inside. Notice how the hole is the perfect size for a little arm. What were they thinking?
Elyse also likes to put things in the trash. After doing a quick search in the trash yesterday, I really dug through it tonight. NO LICENSE. I will spare you all the GROSS details about the trash. I think a picture will suffice.
So the search for the drivers license with the good pictures continues. I will let you know if I find it or if I have to break down and get a new one.
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Check the freezer, drawer under the stove, cd rom drive if you have a mac, and the vents....the vents have everything. :)