I remember when she came to the hospital the day after Claire and Leah were born Elyse looked at me and said, "Mommy, you are all done now so you can come home." Little did we know how much time we would spend at the hospital.
I can honestly say we have been so blessed by the way that Elyse has reacted to her sisters. It was probably a blessing in some ways that we only brought one home at a time. She is a great helper. Recently she has become more motherly to them. She likes to tell them, "no" and she carries her sisters around whenever they will let her. I should add that Claire is only about 7 pounds smaller than Elyse. Elyse is very concerned when they are crying and tries to comfort them.
The girls and I recently took a trip the outlet mall. To my surprise, we did not have a stroller. Elyse said, "It's okay, we will walk." Elyse held Claire's hand the whole time we were there. She really is a great helper and very caring.
Here is one of my favorite pictures of Elyse. She loves dressing up, painting her nails and curling her hair. I think she may love shoes already.
Our biggest prayer for Elyse is that she loves the Lord. Nothing is more important. We pray even now for God to mold her spirit and direct her life. We pray that as her parents we do everything we can to point her in His direction.
There are many days and nights that I feel guilty for how I spend my time. This world has a way of making mommas feel like we are not good enough. I often go to bed with this feeling of guilt. I didn't spend enough time with Elyse, our house isn't clean enough, Elyse isn't as involved as other kids, we didn't do anything fun today, I said 'no' to her all day, why can't I be a better mother, I got angry quickly......you get the picture. The list that runs through my head every night is long, exhausting, and WRONG.
My guilt comes from comparing myself with what I believe to be the perfect mother. You know the one? The one that never looks like a train wreck, her house is clean, she has a perfect body, and all the time in the world for her self, her husband and for her kids. Crazy right? If you meet her, I am looking for some tips.